Bladder Cancer

Alexandria Urology Associates
Urologists located in Alexandria, LA & Oakdale, LA
Bladder cancer isn’t a rare occurrence. It’s the sixth most common cancer in the United States. At Alexandria Urology Associates, with two offices in Alexandria and Oakdale, Louisiana, James Richey, MD, and Lance Templeton, MD, provide expert evaluation and treatment if you suspect you have this type of cancer. Call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online to learn about bladder cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Bladder Cancer Q & A
What should I know about bladder cancer?
Your bladder is a hollow organ that stores urine before you eliminate it from the body. The kidneys discharge urine into the bladder through tubes called ureters and out of the bladder through the urethra.
The lining of the bladder is where 90% of bladder cancers develop in a type known as transitional cell carcinoma.
Why does bladder cancer develop?
The reason you develop bladder cancer isn’t always clear. Factors that increase your risk include:
- Family history
- Inherited gene mutations (hereditary cancer syndrome)
- Chronic bladder infections
- Smoking
- Long-term use of catheters
Older adults are at greater risk of developing bladder cancer, with more than 92% of all new cases being diagnosed in people older than 55.
What are the types of bladder cancer?
In addition to the common transitional cell carcinoma that develops in the urothelium cells of the bladder’s lining, other bladder cancers include:
- Flat carcinoma
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- Papillary carcinoma
- Adenocarcinoma
- Sarcoma
These versions are rather rare. Dr. Richey and Dr. Templeton have expertise in treating all types of bladder cancer, however.
What are the symptoms of bladder cancer?
Bladder cancer doesn’t always have symptoms in its earliest stages. With time, however, you can develop:
- Frequent and painful urination
- Blood in the urine
- Inability to urinate
- Urge to urinate with a less-than-full bladder
As bladder cancer advances, you can also develop back pain and swelling in the feet. If the doctors suspect bladder cancer, you will undergo screenings to confirm a diagnosis. These include cystoscopy, blood and urine tests, biopsy, MRI, X-ray, ultrasound, and pyelogram.
How is bladder cancer treated?
When the doctors diagnose you with bladder cancer, surgical intervention is usually required. Dr. Richey and Dr. Templeton remove all or part of the bladder to eliminate the cancerous tissue and prevent it from metastasizing. Immunotherapy is another treatment available for some forms of bladder cancer. Talk to the doctors about whether this option is appropriate for you.
For expert care of bladder cancer, contact Alexandria Urology Associates. Call the office nearest you or schedule using this website.
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