Low Testosterone

Alexandria Urology Associates
Urologists located in Alexandria, LA & Oakdale, LA
Most men start to see a decline in their natural testosterone levels by age 30. As you get older, your production of this hormone continues to wane and cause symptoms like decreased sex drive, loss of hair and muscle mass, and general fatigue. You don’t have to tolerate these symptoms because treatment at Alexandria Urology Associates can help. James Richey, MD, and Lance Templeton, MD, working out of offices in Alexandria and Oakdale, Louisiana, provide hormone therapy to restore your youthful vigor. If you’re ready to start feeling good again, call the office nearest you or book an appointment using this website.
Low Testosterone Q & A
What is testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone that makes a man “manly.” It’s responsible for most male sexual characteristics, including deeper voices, body hair, muscle mass, and sex drive. As an adult, testosterone helps you maintain a lean physique, manages your energy levels, boosts your sex drive, and promotes bone health.
What causes low testosterone levels?
Many men experience a dip in their body’s natural testosterone production once they reach 30. The rate is a loss of about 1% per day, but this doesn’t take into account other factors that can cause a decrease in production.
A decline in testosterone levels becomes most noticeable with age, leading to a decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and a loss of hair and muscle mass. In addition to occurring as a natural side effect of aging, low testosterone can be brought on by:
- An injury to the testicles
- Testicular cancer
- Hormonal disorders
- Certain kinds of infections
- Chronic liver or kidney disease
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
If you suspect you’re suffering from low testosterone levels, the doctors at Alexandria Urology Associates can do a blood test to check your levels and look for other possible causes of your symptoms. If you’re otherwise healthy, they could recommend treatment for low testosterone.
When should I suspect I have low testosterone?
If your testosterone levels are below normal levels, you can experience:
- Reduced sex drive
- Difficulty sustaining an erection
- Low semen volume upon ejaculation
- Loss of hair
- Fatigue
- Loss of muscle mass
- Increased body fat
- Decreased bone mass
- Frequent or drastic mood swings
These symptoms can appear gradually and usually come with aging.
How is low testosterone treated?
The doctors usually offer hormone replacement therapy to address low testosterone levels. Hormones can be offered as an oral medication or hormone injections. Dr. Richey and Dr. Templeton could discuss other treatment options with you as well.
Under the supervision of the expert urologists at Alexandria Urology Associates, you can get the testosterone your body needs to get it back to running like it used to. For more information on treating low testosterone, book an appointment at the office nearest you online or over the phone today.
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