Prostate Cancer

Alexandria Urology Associates
Urologists located in Alexandria, LA & Oakdale, LA
Prostate cancer is one of the most common health conditions in men, especially when you reach middle age. Catching cancer early is one of the best ways to prevent dire consequences, and the team at Alexandria Urology Associates can help. James Richey, MD, and Lance Templeton, MD, provide screenings and treatment at their offices in Oakdale and Alexandria, Louisiana. Call the nearest office or book online to learn more about prostate cancer services.
Prostate Cancer Q & A
What happens during a prostate exam?
Dr. Richey or Dr. Templeton performs a prostate exam to check the organ for signs of cancer or other prostate conditions. As you get older, health problems in your prostate are more likely to develop. Prostate exams should begin around 40.
During the exam, the doctor inserts a gloved finger into your rectum. This allows him to feel the back wall of your prostate and check for growths, swelling, and other irregularities.
A prostate exam takes just a minute or two. The doctors could also recommend a blood test or ultrasound depending on their findings or your health history.
What are the symptoms of prostate cancer?
In its early, most treatable stage, prostate cancer rarely shows any symptoms. In later stages you could notice:
- Trouble urinating
- Decreased force in the stream of urine
- Blood in semen
- Bone pain
- Discomfort in the pelvic area
- Erectile dysfunction
What if I have prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer found in men, just behind skin cancer. Prostate cancer usually grows slowly and usually stays confined to the prostate. Over time, however, cancer can spread to other parts of your body.
This is why it’s important to get regular screenings — to catch cancer early.
If you feel symptoms of prostate cancer or cancer is detected, your treatment will depend on your particular case. If the cancer is confined to your prostate, the doctors can treat it with a surgical procedure known as a prostatectomy. This surgery removes the prostate, surrounding tissue, and surrounding lymph nodes is often the best way to prevent cancer’s return.
What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the enlarging of the prostate. This puts extra pressure on your urethra. If you have this noncancerous condition you could experience:
- Frequent and urgent need to urinate
- Difficulty beginning to urinate
- Frequent urination at night
- A weak urine stream that stops and starts
- Inability to empty your bladder
Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia could have more urinary tract infections than normal and you could even notice blood in your urine.
For many men, medication is enough to manage benign prostatic hyperplasia. The doctors can discuss other treatments as well, depending on how enlarged the prostate is.
When you’re ready to learn more about prostate cancer and get a screening, call Alexandria Urology Associates or schedule online.
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