Men's Health

Alexandria Urology Associates
Urologists located in Alexandria, LA & Oakdale, LA
Men have special health needs that shouldn’t be ignored because of work, family, and community obligations. At Alexandria Urology Associates in Alexandria and Oakdale, Louisiana, urologists James Richey, MD, and Lance Templeton, MD, offer thorough men’s health services that help you maintain optimal wellness. Call the most convenient office or schedule online to make your appointment for men’s health care, screenings, and management.
Men's Health Q & A
What are some health issues relevant to men?
Men are at risk of developing certain health conditions. These include:
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Chronic lower respiratory disease
- Unintentional injuries
Issues like hormone imbalances, specifically an imbalance of testosterone, and erectile dysfunction are serious concerns for men. At Alexandria Urology Associates, the doctors can screen for, evaluate, and address these health issues.
Don’t ignore your health maintenance, even if you feel good, because it can have devastating consequences. Some conditions like high blood pressure and many cancers don’t have outward symptoms until they’ve reached a crisis point.
What men’s health cancer screenings are offered?
Men have unique cancer concerns. These include prostate and testicular cancer.
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer, next to skin cancer, in men in the United States. Yearly screenings for prostate cancer begin at 50 for most men, but if you’re at high risk or have a family history of prostate cancer, you should begin screenings in your 40s.
When caught early, prostate cancer is usually quite treatable.
Testicular cancer isn’t common but can occur in men aged 20-54. The urologists at Alexandria Urology Associates give you a testicular exam when you come in for a routine physical. If you’re at a higher risk of testicular cancer, due to an undescended testicle or a family history of the disease, you will need more specific screenings.
What are some common sexual health issues men face?
A healthy sex life is an essential part of your health and well-being. If you notice changes in your sex drive or erectile function, you’re due for a thorough diagnostic exam.
Some of these issues can develop due to declining hormone production. While you do naturally experience a decrease in hormones as you age, you don’t have to suffer from uncomfortable symptoms. Hormone treatments can improve symptoms associated with low testosterone levels that include:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Loss of muscle mass
- Weight gain
- Low sex drive
- Decreased bone mass
- Chronic fatigue
- Brain fog
- Mood swings
The doctors at Alexandria Urology Associates evaluate your hormone levels to determine if you need therapy to address these symptoms.
If you’re ready to have your testosterone levels evaluated, call Alexandria Urology Associates at the nearest office or book an appointment online.
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